Wildlife Walk – 21st June 2022, 2pm. The Bishop’s Park
8 attendees, led by Max Pulford
Phew what a scorcher! Bright sunshine, 27oC and light winds greeted the best turn out on the on the longest day of the year. Large numbers of bees (honey, bumble and carder) and hover flies were collecting pollen as we headed out from the Jenkinson Garden. The 200-year-old London Plane tree, standing proud was undergoing a June drop of leaves – whether this is because of the hot weather, the lack of rain or just what happens we don’t know but the wild bees’ nest was very active in the crevice up the left trunk. A song thrush was singing and then the fluty song of a male blackcap was heard whist the group looked at Carex pendula (the pendulous sedge) in a typical damp woodland edge. Sedges are easy to identify because sedges have edges on their stems. A flowering dog rose and St John’s wort and red campion were nearby in amongst the usual woodland plants including mallow and hedge woundwort. One of the attendees, a tree surgeon in previous life regaled the group with interesting facts about trees.
At the Bishop’s Pond (very low in water) two mallards and a heron were seen in amongst the starting to flower yellow water lilies, Nupar Lutea. Common blue damselflies were skimming over the water. Wrens and chaffinches were heard, and jackdaws seen but the highlight was a pair of spotted flycatchers with food in their beaks suggesting the likelihood of a nest with young. It was hoped a slow worm might be seen in the walled garden, but the day was even too hot for them. Ice creams were a fine finish to the walk and although not many birds were seen, a lovely and interesting walk was had by all. The next walk is Tuesday 19th July.
Max Pulford

Wildlife Walk – 21st June 2022
Posted: 24/06/2022 by Ffiona Jones
Wildlife Walk – 21st June 2022, 2pm. The Bishop’s Park
8 attendees, led by Max Pulford
Phew what a scorcher! Bright sunshine, 27oC and light winds greeted the best turn out on the on the longest day of the year. Large numbers of bees (honey, bumble and carder) and hover flies were collecting pollen as we headed out from the Jenkinson Garden. The 200-year-old London Plane tree, standing proud was undergoing a June drop of leaves – whether this is because of the hot weather, the lack of rain or just what happens we don’t know but the wild bees’ nest was very active in the crevice up the left trunk. A song thrush was singing and then the fluty song of a male blackcap was heard whist the group looked at Carex pendula (the pendulous sedge) in a typical damp woodland edge. Sedges are easy to identify because sedges have edges on their stems. A flowering dog rose and St John’s wort and red campion were nearby in amongst the usual woodland plants including mallow and hedge woundwort. One of the attendees, a tree surgeon in previous life regaled the group with interesting facts about trees.
At the Bishop’s Pond (very low in water) two mallards and a heron were seen in amongst the starting to flower yellow water lilies, Nupar Lutea. Common blue damselflies were skimming over the water. Wrens and chaffinches were heard, and jackdaws seen but the highlight was a pair of spotted flycatchers with food in their beaks suggesting the likelihood of a nest with young. It was hoped a slow worm might be seen in the walled garden, but the day was even too hot for them. Ice creams were a fine finish to the walk and although not many birds were seen, a lovely and interesting walk was had by all. The next walk is Tuesday 19th July.
Max Pulford
Category: Latest News, Monthly Wildlife Watch, Press & News, Wildlife