The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust is working in Partnership with Carmarthenshire County Council and the Church in Wales to develop the Tywi Gateway at the historic Bishops Park, Abergwili. The site is in the ownership of Carmarthenshire County Council, where Carmarthenshire County Museum is located. The Tywi Gateway Project plans to conserve and revitalise the historic Park and thereby increase its attraction to the general public, local clubs and societies and schools.
Subject to obtaining the necessary grants the development will begin in early 2017 and will coincide with a planned new cycle path from Abergwili to Llandeilo, which is adjacent to the site.
The partnership, together with local community groups, is passionately committed to this project in the hope that it will help to enrich Carmarthen’s cultural heritage and strengthen the local economy.
It is essential for local residents to have their say in order for the project to meet the real wants and needs of those who value the place and will use it in future. Therefore, we have devised a simple survey, which will take approximately 5-6 minutes, to complete. It can be completed online at https://landskerbuisnesssolutions.typeform.com/to/FGIna1
Posted: 29/03/2016 by Admin
The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust is working in Partnership with Carmarthenshire County Council and the Church in Wales to develop the Tywi Gateway at the historic Bishops Park, Abergwili. The site is in the ownership of Carmarthenshire County Council, where Carmarthenshire County Museum is located. The Tywi Gateway Project plans to conserve and revitalise the historic Park and thereby increase its attraction to the general public, local clubs and societies and schools.
Subject to obtaining the necessary grants the development will begin in early 2017 and will coincide with a planned new cycle path from Abergwili to Llandeilo, which is adjacent to the site.
The partnership, together with local community groups, is passionately committed to this project in the hope that it will help to enrich Carmarthen’s cultural heritage and strengthen the local economy.
It is essential for local residents to have their say in order for the project to meet the real wants and needs of those who value the place and will use it in future. Therefore, we have devised a simple survey, which will take approximately 5-6 minutes, to complete. It can be completed online at https://landskerbuisnesssolutions.typeform.com/to/FGIna1
Category: News Archive